Fr. Rolando delaGoza sends this report of the celebration of Fr. Greg Gay’s Silver Jubilee celebration. Although a silver anniversary of ordination to the priesthood of a Superior General is a rare occurrence, the celebration of Father Gregory Gay’s Silver Anniversary of Ordination to the priesthood on May 24 at Via Ezio in Rome was a joyful, solemn and inspirational occasion for the Vincentian Family.

A little more than a hundred people were present: around 50 priests and around 50 Sisters and lay people. The ceremony was as solemn as it was joyful, inspirational as it was touching. The songs in Italian, Spanish and English were very appropriate for the occasion and well executed despite the short time of preparation. The food was delicious as it was prepared with the tender loving care by the Sisters and their staff at Via Ezio.

The Message. The center piece of the celebration was the twenty five minute homily delivered by Father Gregory in Spanish and translated into Italian by Father Cerquera. As always, Father skillfully wove the Gospel message with the various recent events and applied it to the anniversary celebration. It was not a homily on the priesthood but it touched our priestly lives; nor was it a learned treatise on the Holy Eucharist, but it made us think of our daily spiritual food; nor was it a talk on the family but it made us feel closer to our blood families; nor was it a spiritual conference but it made us reflect more on our spiritual life; nor was it a reflection on fraternal life but it was a caring and loving reminder on fraternal charity for the whole Vincentian family.

The death of Father Gregory’s mother, Jeanne, only a week earlier, was the backdrop of the homily which was addressed to blood family as well as the greater Vincentian Family.

At this part of the homily , Father pointed out the message of faith, love, “being always with God” ,”not being alone,” and hope in God’s love as expressed in the Gospel of the day in which St. Peter asked the Lord:”We have left everything to follow you…“ Although a life is gone, the whole family continues to celebrate life in the presence of the Lord. He ended by expressing how the whole 25th anniversary celebration is a call to him personally for renewal and witness to Jesus. It was no less, and as a matter of fact, it was more so, for us all in the Vincentian family.

We wish Father Gregory Gay another fifty years of a joyful priestly life in the service of the poor!
