The Venezuela Ladies of Charity of San Vincent de Paul, celebrated their
XIIth. National Assembly from April 28 to May 1st, 2005.


Valencia, from April 28 to May 1st., 2005

P. Emilio Melchor V., C. M.

National Advisor.

It took four days and each day had its own motto: the 28th. was “Contacting our roots”; the 29th. “The light”; the 30th. “Guided by the light and enlightened by the Holy Spirit”; and the 1st, and final day: How to carry the light?.

The chosen site: Valencia city. Its motto: My identity as a Lady of Charity. AIC Venezuela has 440 volunteers in 27 groups and 4 associated groups, divided in 4 regions within the country.

The date of the assembly was not casual date. The date was the 45th anniversary of the First National Assembly that was celebrated in the same city with the existence of only 6 groups.

During the Assembly four areas were worked on:

The formation part: Two conferences were presented: Whom is a Lady of Charity? By the National Advisor P. Emilio Melchor, C.M. The answer was: “A Christian person, that urged by her Christian commitment wants to love Jesus more, loving and serving the poor as Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac did”.

As a complement to the above, the second conference was also a question: “As a Lady of Charity, do I have sense of belonging?. Mrs. Teresita de Perez, second Vice-President exposed simple, basic and concrete points: What do we understand as sense of belonging? Which are our fundaments? And our motivations? Which are the external signs through which sense of belonging is showed and confirmed?

This part of the conference was a workshop where the volunteers explored their realities that need improvement, in all levels, from local to regional.

The information part: This time was dedicated to the reports:

1st.- From the Directive and Treasure: It was clear that through the last years the association has been grown, especially in organization and strength that shows in a strong commitment with the poor.

From the Treasurer it was confirmed the financial commitments needed to be fulfilled.

2nd.- Reports from the Groups. The reports from the Groups were true life testimonies from the volunteers, whom following the path of Saint Vincent and Saint Louise, they were committed to the poor, their masters, in a generous and a complete loving service.

The election part: This Assembly had to elect the new National President, who will replace Mrs. Mireya Gómez of Troconis. For eight years she had presided the Association and lead it to a greater maturity and strength. To her our deepest gratitude.

The new President, was elected by a great majority, her name: Mrs..Selina Suarez Fermín.. To her our support and prayer so Saint Vincent and Saint Louise may guide and enlighten her as she serves AIC Venezuela as National President..

The constitutions and projections part: This part was dedicated to the recognition, ratification and approval of the Statutes and Regulations of the Association of the Ladies of the Charity of Saint Vincent of Paúl in Venezuela.

Also it was presented to all the Groups the orientation needed for the joint work common to all projects.

Thanking the Lord who wants to express His love to the poor through the Volunteers, and asking Saint Vincent and Saint Louise for their help to live their charisma serving and loving “our masters and lords”, the XIIth National Assembly of Venezuela was formally closed.

Translation: Gracieala Rios de González, AIC- México
