This just in from Rome… We write to tell you that Mrs. Jeanne F. Gay, mother of the Superior General, died in Kingsville, Maryland, on 10 May at 10:30 p.m. (local time) at the age of 76.Rome, 11 May 2005

To the members of the Vincentian Family:

We write to tell you that Mrs. Jeanne F. Gay, mother of the Superior General, died in Kingsville, Maryland, on 10 May at 10:30 p.m. (local time) at the age of 76.

Mrs. Gay was seriously ill and was in the company of her husband, George, and her sons and daughters, when she was called by the Father to her heavenly home.

On 14 April, she celebrated 54 years of marriage. She was the mother of ten children, of whom Father Gregory is the second.

The Superior General left immediately for the United States to celebrate her funeral.

We unite with the Superior General in this time of his sorrow, we offer him our prayers for the eternal repose of his mother, and we express our solidarity with all his family. May she rest in peace!
