T. LOUIS/EWORLDWIRE/May 5, 2005 — The St. Vincent de Paul National Council’s “SVdP Model Sites: An Options for Development Project” goal is to more effectively serve the poor through the expansion of fund development work at the Society’s regional and local levels. During year one of the project, starting in May 2005, five or six U.S. SVdP Councils will collaborate with the National SVdP Council in operating model sites, based on fund development best practices. Model sites will initially reflect a range of fund development expertise. For example, one model site has no fund development at present, and it must become operationally equipped to conduct the basics of fund development; another site is adept at regional fund development but has no program to help the local SVdP units within its region to raise funds; a third site is strong in the area of targeted, fundraising mail campaigns but has no planned giving component in its fund development program.

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