Major branches of the Vincentian Family in Brazil collaborated in a Vincentian School of Formation. They have also made plans for more such gatherings.SCHOOL OF VINCENTIAN FORMATION

Fortaleza, Caerá – Brazil, 09 y 10 April 2005


Encouraged by the Vincentian Family of the Camera Region –International Association of Charity (AIC), the Congregation of the Mission (CM), Daughters of Charity (DC), Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP), Religious of St. Vincent (RSV), Vincentian Marian Youth (JMV), Servants of Charity, St. Vincent Youth Group, Sisters of the St. Vincent de Paul Institute, the Leprévosiana-Jean Léon Le Prevost Family – a School of Vincentian Formation was begun whose aim is to strengthen the integration of the members of the various branches of the Vincentian Family and to deepen some themes so as to empower them towards the evangelization of the poor.

Among the strategies that the School has, we highlight:

1. Begin a process of specific formation based on Vincentian spirituality from a Christological and sociological viewpoint as well as the Social Doctrine of the Church.

2. Promote the integration between theory and practice.

1. April 9 – 10: The Vincentian charism according to the reality of each branch of the Vincentian Family. Introduction & Projects
2. June 4 – 5: An analysis of the national situation from a Vincentian viewpoint.
3. 3. August 6 –7: Vincentian Spirituality
4. 4. October 1 – 2:The Social Doctrine of the Church from a Vincentian viewpoint.

Saturday, April 9

The participants of the School, around 100, arrived from various parts of the city of Fortaleza and also from Belen de Para, situated in the Northern Region of Amazonía. We make special mention of the presence of Sister Irma Eleni Bezerra, DC and Fr. Pedrinho Carlos Silva, CM, Visitatrix and Director of the DCs of Amazonia, respectively, Fr. Silvio Mitozo, CM, Coordinator of the Vincentian Family, Fr. Fernando Barbosa, CM, Visitor of the Province of Fortaleza and Sister Irma Corina Bastos, DC, Visitatrix of Fortaleza.

The first day of the School began with some words of welcome by Fr. Silvio Matzo, Fr. Fernando Barbosa and Sister Irma Corina Bastos. Afterwards, Sister Irma Corina and Fr. Carlos César Goncalez directed a moment of prayer called “Lectio Vicentina”, based on the five virtues of Zeal, Meekness, Charity, Simplicity and Humility, which helped us see how St. Vincent would read the Word of God and allow that Word to question his life. Following this, Fr. Silvio Mitozo blessed the place where the School began to function — the Center of Unity of the Vincentian Family, located in the “Patro-nato” of Our Lady, Help of the Daughters of Charity.

After the moment of prayer, each branch of the Vincentian Family presented its own reality of the Vincentian Charism, pointing out its basis, its spirit, its objectives and its organization. This presentation can easily be called how “charity, with its many actors belonging to the Vincentian Family, can be a beautiful symphony”.

Sunday April 10

At 8:00 a.m., the Eucharist was celebrated with Fr. Silvio Mitozo and the participation of all the branches of the Vincentian Family. During his homily, Fr. Silvio mentioned that the paschal liturgy reveals the true sense of the gift of Christ that invites us to participate concretely in that very gift. He pointed out, also, that Vincentian Spirituality is fed from the Paschal Mystery; and that with our differences and weaknesses and with our talents we can follow Jesus Christ, the Rule of the Mission; and that the Vincentian charism is not exhausted in any one of the branches of the Vincentian Family. It calls for working with unity and diversity.

The second day of the School was dedicated to reflecting on the ways to elaborate pro-jects. This reflection was under the direction of two laywomen, Eusélia Nascimento and Maria Helena Portela who belonged to the Institute for the Development of Work.

In the afternoon, when the work was completed, Fr. Silvio Mitozo and Sister Irma Corina said that “it is in silence where God’s dream is made real for each person”, but now that dream has been made a reality and that each member, by means of affective and effective participation, has the responsibility of working so that the School, which has taken its first steps, will continue.

In the final prayer, directed by the Servants of Charity, we thanked our Lord God for His love and for the work that was accomplished and we thanked the Immaculate Virgin Mary for her constant protection of the disciples, both men and women, of St. Vincent.

That is how the first two days of the School concluded, rich in being together, reflection and participation.

Fr. Carlos César Goncalvez, C.M.
Province of Brazil – Fortaleza
