Born and nurtured from the hearts of two great saints, Sts. Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac, the UNIVERSIDAD DE STA. ISABEL (USI), formerly Colegio de Sta. Isabel (CSI) now on its fourth year as the only university of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in the world, has the distinct honor and claim to 137 years of educational service to Bicol.

With 137 years of educational service to Bicolanos for the nation and the world, the USI pursues its vision of being “a Catholic Vincentian educational institutional pursuing excellence in its programs and services, and forming competent graduates who are agents of social transformation.” Written in documents and also in the hearts of the USI academic community is its mission “to form Catholic Vincentian learners capable of responding to the needs of the changing times through quality and relevant instruction, productive and socially-oriented research and empowering community service.”

Manila Bulletin
