The Latin American Conference of Vincentian Provinces (CLAPVI) held a meeting whose theme was ” Anthropology of the poor, ” which touched on the crux of our charism. This meeting was held in Quito (Ecuador), from 31 January to 6 February. One hundred participants, including confreres, Daughters of Charity and some lay members of the Vincentian Family , assisted. The points treated were: the importance of reflecting on the sense of the existence of the poor, the difference between the classical or European concept of the poor and the Latin American concept; the world of the poor and its characteristics; the commitment to the poor; the destruction of the poor with its consequences; and how Jesus lived his condition as a poor person. The speaker was Fr. Federico Carrasquilla , priest of the Archdiocese of Medellín (Colombia ). He is an expert on the theme and on St. Vincent and has great appreciation for the Vincentian Family .

Source: NUNTIA, February 2005
