It contains an announcement of the 3 candidaates for Secretary General – José Ramón Díaz-Toremocha (Spain), Michael Thio (Singapore) and Michael Burke (Canada).
 The newsletter has features about the work of the SVDP in the host country Spain as well as a new formation initiative “CEYFO: Center of Studies and Training” and a letter from the Secretary General on the forthcoming International Assembly of the SVDP.

The time of the General Assembly is coming very soon and I’m glad to present you, in this issue, the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Spain who will welcome us from the moment of our arrival in Madrid and during the whole working week.

That week will be dedicated to two important subjects for the coming years:

First of all, the election of a new President: unfortunately, we’re still not able to give you information concerning the candidates and their programs for the reasons already given to you in the previous issue. It is unfortunate, especially, for the countries that have not sufficient means of communication and that because of this reason will receive the news at the last moment. This should not keep you from reflecting, with your Council, over the qualities that you are expecting from the one that will lead the Society during the coming 6 years.

The second subject concerns the Strategic Plan which is actively written as a draft by teams of vincentians from all the parts of the world. It will be presented to you in Salamanca and you will be working on it in your turn before expressing yourselves solemnly at the end of the General Assembly. From now on and during the 4 months remaining, I’m asking you to get prepared seriously for this big challenge that the Society tries to accomplish:

Working out the functioning in the fields of Administration, Communication, Finances, but also the Territorial Organization and Training

Criticizing and proposing new working forms

I invite you to conduct the same look on your own way of functioning in your Councils for a best service to the poor through the Conferences that you are in charge of.

Keep up the good work!


Le Secrétaire Général
