The president of the SVDP in ustralia does a weeklhy column for the Catholic Weekly in Sydney.Among the recent topics…

Back-to-school budget blues     13 February, 2005
In the past few weeks many thousands of children have begun their schooling for 2005.   More

Sharing the light with friends     6 February, 2005
This week’s readings remind us that we, God’s children, are “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world”. We are each a light that cannot be hidden; a light that should stand out and shine upon all around us.   More

Compassionate global village     30 January, 2005
I have learnt as a result of my membership with the St Vincent de Paul Society, through Christ’s teachings and my life experiences, that sharing is the most important thing we can offer our brothers and sisters.   More

A most powerful healing light     23 January, 2005
In the words of Mother Teresa, ‘there is a light in the world, a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter.   More

Apostles of grace and peace     16 January, 2005
This week’s readings (Isaiah 49:3,5–6, I Corinthians 1:1–3, John 1:29–34) remind us that we need to be aware of our role in being apostles of Grace and Peace and show God’s light to the world in our everyday meetings with those whom we come in contact with.   More

Managing the goals in our mission     9 January, 2005
The world in which we carry out the mission is almost unrecognisable socially, economically and, in terms of communication, a whole new enlightenment.   More

One together at Christmas     26 December, 2004
When celebrating the birth of Christ, many of us spend time with our family and friends, sharing joy and love.   More

Giving new arrivals a chance     19 December, 2004
At Christmas time, many Australian children are fortunate enough to enjoy this happy season, looking forward to seeing what presents they will receive this year. Most refugee children cannot afford this luxury.   More

Catholic Weekly – Sydney
