Approved“… In this time of “Political Correctness”, we do not have to ask permission to smile.” writes Lynn L’Heureux in her June18, 2013 reflections.

She also reflects on – Truly Live Your Faith – Lend Me Your Ear – Be a Burning Flame – No Permission Needed

Dear Vincentian Family:  As we look around there are so many things to pray for.  I know each person has their own requests and that is good.  However, we must add to our daily prayers, those who have no one to pray for them, those we serve, those lost and alone, addicted, abused and abandoned.  God knows who they are, ask Him and perhaps St. Anthony to intercede, as these souls are lost and we know how St. Anthony helps us to find things.  Pray for those suffering from natural disasters all over the world.  Pray for each other in your conferences, regions and levels of the organization.  Pray for those serving always follow the Rule and serve with the love of Christ.  You can find prayers, ideas, quotes and videos on which will help you along the way in your Christian calling to serve.  Remember you are not a volunteer but a giving servant of God.

Truly Live Your Faith!  We are called!  Each day we start over and build up our desire to please God more.  How much can we give?  All!  This is what we work towards.  “The greater my unworthiness, the more abundant God’s Mercy is.” (St. Elizabeth Seton)  I feel this quote is so powerful.  It is only a few words, but it gives us the strength to truly live our Faith no matter what.  His love and mercy endures forever.  “Merciful and gracious is the Lord, slow to anger, abounding to mercy.  (Ps. 103:8)  This means a lot to me, because I have a quick temper.  So, I probably have to pray harder and longer to truly live my faith.  Just knowing we can start over is a very good thing and we are always loved.  Share that with those we serve.  They need to know the love of God is there for them, too.

Lend Me Your Ear – This is not going to be ‘Friends, Romans, Country men, lend me your ears.  While this is a great story, today’s is about listening.  Sometimes we hear, but often do we listen.  Sometimes listening is hearing body language or the unspoken pain a person has.  When you visit those we serve in their homes, hospital rooms, prisons or motel rooms, notice the unnoticeable and the things we may take for granted.  I visited a lady in her home in the country.  It was very small, very clean and organized.  This impressed me because she had just given birth to a set of twins.  She was very young and seemed to have a glow about her.  I looked around and saw a certificate on the wall.  I asked her if she had graduated from college recently.  She said, “Yes, two days ago!  I can’t believe how good I feel.”  She had no one to tell or to celebrate with.  Her husband left her with debt, a beating and two beautiful babies.  She had the “Joy of Jesus”.  She told me after she made the call, she felt hope and knew we were all praying for her.  Together we prayed and I send her a bouquet of roses to celebrate her victory.   This lady recently became a Vincentian.  She lends her ear to others.

I have a deaf granddaughter.  When she was a baby she pulled my mouth to her ear and I would make a deep sound, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!  This became our special greeting even when she lost even that little bit of hearing.  Lend me your ear took on a whole new meaning.  I taught in Special Education and had one deaf student and one student who could not speak.  I received a little training in this area and it came in handy.  You begin to look for the unspoken word with a deaf child.  My dear Ashley has a wonderful sense of humour and loves the stories.  She would haul her suitcase downstairs and her parents knew she wanted to go to “Gramma & Pepere’s house.  Learning sign language was difficult for us, but my daughter caught on quickly and she placed many words on everything, so Ashley would learn the written word as well.  We heard differently when we heard it from Ashley’s ears.  We began to appreciate more and more each day.  This is the attitude we must bring to those we are serving.  We have to see how we can communicate with them, so our ears can be opened.

Be a Burning Flame – Be burning flames that inflame with God’s love all those you come in contact with.  – Saint Paula Fascinate (1809-1892) truly let your flame be visible to others.  Show your faith and be light to one another.  We must let our Christianity shine brightly on others.  We should still be filled with and feel the flame of the Holy spirit – do not let it go dim.

No Permission Needed – You do not need permission to be happy.  You do not need permission to make others happy.  In this time of “Political Correctness”, we do not have to ask permission to smile.  When we smile, we spread God’s joy.  My husband will smile at a grumpy clerk and tell her/him sincerely to have a good day.  This is his way of making a difference, even for a few seconds.  The love of God is free and it can be given in a simple smile, you can love others with simple deeds and share God’s love without words and no permission is needed.

Blessings, my Vincentian Friends!  Have a great day and share God’s love with your smile.  We have two translators now, Magdalena and Jess.  Pray for them both in great thanksgivings.


Quotes to reflect on.

The love of Jesus is much better symbolized by His divine heart. This is the source of that blood shed out of love for us, given life by a most holy soul, deified by the hypostatic union of the Word.  – Saint Gaspar Bertoni (1777-1835), Feast Day June 12

Let us obey Him who commands us; let us become Christ’s beasts of burden, placing upon ourselves the yoke of love.  – Saint Gregory of Nyssa (335-395)

The day you learn to surrender yourself totally to God, you will discover a new world, just as I am experiencing. You will enjoy a peace and a calm unknown, surpassing even the happiest days of your life.- Blessed Jaime Hilario Barbal (1898-1937

The Holy Will of God and perfect obedience in all things have always been my consolation, and I hope that it may still be so at the hour of my death.- Blessed Peter Donders (1809-1887)

Jesus teaches us another way: Go out. Go out and share your testimony, go out and interact with your brothers, go out and share, go out and ask. Become the Word in body as well as spirit. – Pope Francis (1936-Present), Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Lynn  L’Heureux is Special needs co-coordinator & Advisor of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Calgary Alberta Canada

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