Two documents approved at the September National Meeting in Phoenix may now be found on intranet site.Voice of the Poor

1.  The2004-2005 SVDP VOP National Legislative Agenda


2.  SVDP VOP Immigration Position Paper

In addition, you will find VOP news from the National meeting


The “poverty news” page contains the Action Alert on Child Tax Credit from USCCB, an item noted on the SVDP VOP National Legislative Agenda. View the latest US Census Bureau report (Aug. 26, 2004) on poverty (downloadable via adobe acrobat) on this same page.


See the “Regional News and Legislative Updates” page for VOP news for September at (Note: Share your Council’s VOP news.  Send VOP information to )



NOTE: If you are unable to download adobe acrobat files please go to the bottom of the “News” page and click on the adobe acrobat icon.  You can get free software of this program for viewing and printing at this website. 

