ANNE STURM, international AIC President (Germany), ROSE DE LIMA RAMANANKAVANA, international AIC Vice-president from Madagascar, and MADELEINE MORRISSEY (USA), main representative of AIC at the UN in New York have been selected to represent AIC at the 57th Annual United Nations Department of Public Information/Non Governmental Organization Conference to be held at UN headquarters in New York City, 8 to 10 September 2004. Press Release 16th of August 2004

Contact: Anne Sturm, International AIC-President, Phone number:49.8649.291 or
Agnès Dandois, Secretary general, Phone number: 32.10.456353


Secretary General Kofi A. Annan will address an expected 2000 NGO delegates at the opening session in the General Assembly Hall. Entitled «Millennium Development Goals: Civil Society Takes Action», the conference will focus on the roles of NGOs, civil society and governments in the implementation of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which were adopted by 189 UN Member States at their high level millennium session in 2000.

Centered around the most critical problems causing tensions in the world today, the MDGs are designed to give people worldwide the tools to care for themselves in healthy, sustainable environments. Specific MDG targets are set to: alleviate poverty, treat and prevent the spread of the HIV/Aids epidemic, provide universal primary education and gender equality, reduce child and maternal mortality rates, lower by half the number of people who suffer from hunger or lack access to safe drinking water, empower women, and create a global partnership to foster good governance and economic development in the least developed countries, including opening world markets to their goods.

Conference delegates will attend five plenary sessions with governmental, UN Agency, NGO, civil society and local community leaders to assess the progress each sector has made on the goals. Emphasis will be placed on reviewing successful programs to be replicated, possible strategies for raising resources required for the implementation of the MDGs, and heightening public awareness of the Goals. After networking at interactive Midday Workshops, delegates will consider drafting a recommended plan of action for uses by their NGOs and other civil society members to help meet the Millennium Development Goals by the target date of 2015.

The work of AIC being closely related to the MDG, the Association has been selected, to hold one of the Midday Workshops, together with the Christian Childrens Fund. The Workshop on child poverty will be moderated by Anne Sturm. Rose de Lima Ramanankavana from Madagascar, one of three key speakers, will describe ongoing actions to fight child poverty in her country. Such actions include working with street children and their families, so that, in line with AIC’s guidelines, the parents themselves can take over the responsibility for their children.

The conference is open to representatives of NGOs associated with DPI, those in consultative status with the United Nations through the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and those working with UN agencies, programs and UN information Centers and Services. Additional information on the conference program is posted on htttp:// Inquiries can be addressed to the NGO section of DPI at DPI/NGO Resource Centre, Room L-1B-31, United Nations, New York, NY 10017, USA.

UN Millenium Development Goals

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