I think it was the greatest statement I ever heard from the altar.  It was like being given a message direct from God.  Young people!  you are lovable just as you are, where you are and how you are at this moment.  Of course the young people responded as never before…I doubt if even the greatest rock artists at Slane castle had ever such a prolonged response from their audience.
Galway, 1979
The words were spoken of course by Pope John Paul.  It was September 1979, twenty five years ago.  All of those young people are now at least forty or forty something!   (Sometimes I wonder if the memories of those heart-felt words of the Holy Father give them energy and life today, or if they  have been buried under  a weight of disappointment and disillusionment).
A party more than an audience
This morning in the Vatican I experienced something of the magic which the young people experienced in Galway.  The Holy Father, just returned from holiday,  his voice strong once again, and with steady hands he held the pages from which he spoke on Psalm 118, telling us how the Lord is our light and our light.
While his poor body has had to withstand a debilitating illness for some years he still had that ability to make an audience come alive and especially the young people.  Many times he acknowledged their songs and chants with a friendly wave of his hand.
“Chile te ama”
This time the roles were reversed as the young people expressed in song and words: “John Paul, we love you” and they sang it in Spanish, Polish, German and many other languages and he responded in English (greeting Armagh pilgrims),  Spanish, Italian, Portugese, German and, of course, Polish.  It was the young pilgrims from Chile who held up the banner declaring:  “Chile te Ama”. (Chile loves you)   It spoke for all of them. 
Have you a word for us, Holy Father?
Some of us thought we were going to be overlooked because it was only in the end, and in Italian that the Pope acknowledged the Congregation of the Mission (the Vincentians) and gave a blessing for our  general assembly. It was now our turn to applaud – a little more restrained than the young people, as you can imagine!   It also gave us great joy to see him welcome and bless our new general, Fr.Gregory Gay who was introduced by Fr.Bob Maloney, and all the members of the new general council. 
Will we ever hear those words again in Ireland? 
As I observed Pope John Paul very closely today I just wondered will we ever see and hear him again in Ireland.  It is possible, I believe.  If he does come,  I am absolutely sure he will have the same effect on young people as he had twenty five years ago and as he had today.  After all the singing,  they knew they were once again, truly loved and, there were tears of joy.

Fr. Michael McCullagh, CM
Reflection on Audience with Pope John Paul II
General Assembly 2004
