The Eastern Province Library of approximately 100,000 volumes being shipped to Catholilc University in Kenya complete with all the shelving.For over 50 years the Mary Immaculate Library collection nourished generations of seminarians for various Provinces of the Congregation of the Mission and local dioceses who sent their candidates to Mary Immaculate.

The American era of the collection has come to an end with the 10 day process of packing and two to three month journey to its new home in the Catholic University of East Africa. The collection will nearly triple its holdings.

Faced with the mounting upkeep and under-utilization it became clear that this treasure of the Eastern Province could best be used in another setting.

Therefore it was decided to support the work of education in East Africa.

For a photo essay of the beginning of this journey visit the Eastern Province web site at

Although the day is a somewhat sad day for the Eastern Province it represents a priceless treasure for education in Africa.

Special thanks are due to Fr. Joe McClain, CM who devoted more than 50 year of his life in building up this first class theological library.

For more on the story visit the earlier post about this project or do a search on this site for articles about the work of the Congregation of the Mission, the Daughters of Charity, etc. in Kenya.

See also an article in the Newsltter of the Midwest Province.
