The month of May marks the anniversaries of four of the great encyclicals of the Church’s social justice teaching and the US Bishop’s “Challenge of Peace.”.For links to these documents and other events this month visit

– Birthday of St. Catherine Labouré -1806
* 1 – “Centesimus Annus” John Paul II – 1991
* 2 – World Day of Prayer for Vocations
* 5 – “Challenge of Peace” US Bishop’s – 1983
* 11 – First Sisters of Charity arrive in Haloifax, Nova Scotia – 1849
* 15 – “Rerum Novarum” Leo XIII – 1891
* 15 – “Quadregesimo Anno” Pius XI – 1931
* 15 – “Octogesima Adveniens” Paul VI – 1971
* 9 – USA Mother’s Day
* 20 – Ascension Thursday
* 30 – Pentecost, 
* 30  – Feast of St. Monica, St. Louise makes a vow of widowhood -1623
* 31 – USA Memorial Day observed
