SYDNEY, May 2, 2004 ( Tax cuts tipped to be announced in the Australian Federal Budget are nothing short of WMDs – weapons of mass destruction for society.   That’s how one of Australia’s biggest charities, the St Vincent de Paul Society, describes the planned cuts.  Vinnies, which assists around one million Australians in need each year, carries out intensive research into the causes of poverty and suggests solutions to alleviate it. They are campaigning for a national strategy to combat poverty, similar to the European models. 

The society’s spokesperson on social justice, Terry McCarthy, said millions of Australians already in dire straits were now facing a further decline in essential government services. “Is it not bad enough that the nation has crisis conditions in health and dental care, child care, education, housing and transport?”  Mr McCarthy asked.  “Our government services are already in steep decline. Will Budget tax cuts preclude essential expenditure and decimate these services even further?  


Original Source Catholic News
