“Network of Charity” has a new logo and some new features. Most of the changes are on the Portuguese portion of the site. However,the direct link to the English portion of the site is http://www.rededecaridade.hpg.ig.com.br/eua.htm

By way of background….The team of professionals of the “Network of Charity” is composed for three members. Renato Lima (renatolima@aneel.gov.br), 33 years-old, of Brasilia, is the coordinator. He is journalist and he has detached in the Brazilian Vincentian scene for its firm and authentic performance in some sectors, as youth, the formation and the communication. He works in the National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL).

Gesiel Júnior (lucnet@activenet.com.br), 40 years-old, of Avaré, is the coordinator-aid. Gesiel – that it is in the team since May of 2003 – is journalist and writer, has 14 published books, amongst which, the two volumes of readings spirituals for use in vincentians units. Gesiel is assessor of the Press of the City Council of Avaré and coordinator of the Department of Communication of the Metropolitan Council of Bauru.

Sergio Alexandre (salex_carvalho@terra.com.br), 23 years-old, is the new acquisition of the Agency. He lives in Varginha and works at the Metropolitan Council of Pouso Alegre of SSVP, and has wide experience in production of vincentians and Catholics sites. He occupies the function of webmaster of the site of the Network of Charity. He suggests to the National Council of Brazil of the SSVP the creation of a commission that is responsible for the part of Vincentian Internet.

Beyond the three mentioned vincentians, the Agency counts all on the important support of some correspondents spread in the Country, as Júlio Cesar Marques de Lima, from Belo Horizonte, the Priest Lourenço Mika, from Curitiba, Fabiano Rodrigo, from Rio de Janeiro, and Aluizio da Mata, from Sete Lagoas, just to say some names. Without them, as affirms Renato, it would be very difficult that the news agency fulfilled its role.

For more background see an earlier post on this site http://www.famvin.org/enarchive/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2912
