Matilde Téllez Robles, a Unifier of Prayer and Action – Interview With Father Sáez de Albéniz who promoted her cause for beatification.Code: ZE04031621 – Date: 2004-03-16

ROME, MARCH 16, 2004 ( John Paul II will beatify a Spaniard religious this Sunday, an event that takes on extra significance in the wake of the Madrid terrorist attacks.

Scheduled to be beatified is Matilde of the Sacred Heart Téllez Robles (1841-1902), founder of the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Mother of the Church.

Mother Matilde combined contemplation and the apostolate in her life, dedicating herself to aiding the neediest, particularly the sick, the postulator of her cause, Father Antonio Sáez de Albéniz, says in this interview with ZENIT.

Q: Who is Matilde Téllez Robles? Why is the Church proclaiming her blessed?

Father Sáez de Albéniz: Matilde Téllez Robles was born in Robledillo de la Vera, province of Caceres, on May 30, 1841. She was baptized the following day.

When she was 10 years old, her father, who was a notary, moved their home to Bejar. Matilde received a good education in that city and manifested her early religious concerns. She was president of the Daughters of Mary, an active [member] of the Conferences of St. Vincent of Paul, and dedicated to pastoral work in the parish, etc.

Matilde was, without a doubt, one more person in the army of women who throughout the 19th century, each one in her way and with her own characteristics, dedicated themselves body and soul to the faith and to the mission of the Church in all realms of society.

By beatifying her, the Church recognizes her virtue, the power of intercession, and the teaching of her example.

Q: Was the future blessed a woman more inclined to contemplation or to action?

Other questions in the interview

Q: What inspired Matilde Téllez Robles to found the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Mother of the Church?

Q: How did she combine her Eucharistic life with care for the neediest?


Q: What Marian features colored Mother Matilde’s life and the foundation she carried out?

Q: Did Mother Matilde wish to change social structures?

Q: What would Mother Matilde say today to our societies, all of them characterized by enormous needs, by loneliness, and by many forms of marginalization?
Source: Zenit
