LONDON, January 31, 2004 ( Harriet Paterson writes for The Tablet – Factories putting together computer components have spread across the Third World – and with them poor working practices. This is the price of our cheap laptops  Who makes  computers?
Tim Williams in Australia alerts us to the following story…

Highly paid technicians in shiny laboratories in Silicon Valley? Or a young woman in Mexico, describing an interview for a job with a subcontractor making printers for Hewlett Packard?  “I was in a room with two nurses,” says Monica. “They were both very rude and really bullied me around. One said: ‘Strip off, I need to check you for tattoos’. I had to take off all my clothes, including my underwear. They even touched me while I was naked, checking my breasts. After that they asked me if I was pregnant. I said no, but that wasn’t enough. They gave me a test paper and ordered me into the bathroom, and told me to do a pregnancy test. It was a totally humiliating experience. But I didn’t know how to complain. I mean, they were doing the same thing to everyone.”  READ FURTHER
