After some delays due to technical difficulties web site is now live and well worth a visit to see how the net can be used in recruitment.The site makes very effective use of techniques that have been shown to be appealing to youth. Young people were extensively consulted in the planning and development of the site according to Fr. John Maher, CM, Vocation Minister for the Eastern Province.

The site makes effective use of short video clips that allow one to see and hear priests, brothers, seminarians and Vincentian youth.

There is an attractive series of photo galleries as well as some TV News broadcast clips that featured various members of the Province in their ministries.

The section “Reflections” has links to 10 short attractive flash presentations in English or Spanish on a variety of topics such imitating Christ, asking for the blessing of Mary, praying for unity in the Vincentian Family using the words of Vincent., etc.

John Maher noted that even before the opening of this web site 4/5 of inquiries about membership came through the internet.

Visit the site as

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