The Vincentian association in Honduras, directed by the Reverend Father Antonio Quetglas Darder, is dedicated to help solve the numerous social problems that the people of San Pedro Sula, Honduras are faced with.
St. Vincent Social Works Foundation (OSOVI) was created to provide assistance and set up projects designed to help those in need. It was through this association, that in 1981 the first plans to open community centers were launched. Finally, on the 25th of September 1995 the St. Vincent Social Works Foundation was officially constituted.

OSOVI is a non-profit organization designed to help the needy. Its primary objective is to contribute to the formation of a better society instilled with traditional Judeo Christian principals and morals. The St. Vincent Social works motivate and awaken the feelings of kindness, unconditional love and selflessness in humanity. Through OSOVI, children and adults alike are given the opportunity to grow educationally and spiritually in preparation for becoming independent and successful in society.

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