Vincentian Collaborative Services coordinates the caring ministries for the aging sponsored by the Vincentian Sisters of Charity. We seek to model our programs after the work of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac, providing loving and respectful caring, with a special concern for the poor.
Our goal is to provide a full range of high quality programs for the aging – a “continuum of care” – which is compassionate, dignified, and strongly spiritual in nature. While Catholic in tradition and philosophy, we welcome all who need us in the spirit of St. Vincent and St. Louise. We also seek to act as advocates for the needs of those we serve.

Vincentian Collaborative Services currently provides the following programs…

  • Adult Day Services
• Skilled and Intermediate Care
• Speech, Physical, Occupational and Rehabilitative Therapies
• Short and Long Term Care
• Hospice Care
