Rome, April 10, 2003

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The grace of our Lord Jesus be with us always!

Recently Fr. Robert Maloney, Superior General, has sent you a letter inviting you to participate in an International Encounter of MISEVI. We the members of the organizing commission, in our first communication with you, are sending more detailed information about the Encounter along with a pre-registration form.
1. The members of the Organizing Commission:

– Eva Villar, International President of MISEVI
– Fr. Felipe Nieto, C.M. Member of the International Team of MISEVI
– Fr. Benjamin Romo, C.M. Delegate for the Vincentian Family

2. Objectives:

First: To seek ways to spread and promote the establishment of the Association of MISEVI in other countries.

Second: To organize an encounter with laypeople, confreres and Daughters of Charity who are taking steps to form the Association MISEVI in their countries, with the goal of sharing experiences and seeking viable ways to found the Association.

3. Dates of the Encounter:

The encounter will take place during the following dates:

Wednesday July 30, 2003: Arrival
Thursday July 31, 2003 9:00 AM: Opening of the Encounter
Sunday August 3, 2003 3:00 PM: Closing of the Encounter

4. Location of the Encounter:

Retreat House of the Congregation of the Mission
Carretera a San Pablo 1375
San Lucas Xochimanca
16800 México, D.F.

Tel/Fax (52) 55 2156-0748

5. Criteria for participation:

Vincentian confreres and Daughters of Charity, who are working with the Vincentian Family or one of its branches, and who are interested in helping respond to the missionary interests of the laypersons whom they accompany in their country.

Laypersons of the Vincentian Family who, are participating in the tasks of coordination or responsibility within the Family, and who are willing to take the first steps toward the foundation of MISEVI in their country.

Laypersons of the Vincentian Family who have an inclination toward the missions ad Gentes and who are presented by their advisors (Priest or Sister).
From each country a maximum of four persons may participate:
One Vincentian confrere, one sister and two laypersons.
6. Pre-registration Form:

Along with this letter, we are sending you a pre-registration form, that we hope will give the organizers of the Encounter an idea of how many people will be participating. We ask that once you have completed the form, please send it so that it will arrive before May 20, 2003 at this address:

E-mail: or by fax to this phone number: (39) 06 666-3831 (Rome)

7. The languages:

The languages officials of the meeting will be: English, Spanish and French.

8. The Finances of the Encounter:

We do not yet have a fixed budget, but we can tell you now that the food and lodging and the work materials will have a maximum cost of $100 USA.

Transportation costs will be the responsibility of the participants. However, we are looking into the possibility of finding economic support so that we can eventually offer help to those who have difficulty financing their travel or their participation in the Encounter.

All the members of the commission are more than willing to answer whatever questions you might have about the event. We encourage you to participate and we will be expecting your response. Many thanks!

Your brothers and sister in Christ,

Eva Villar, International President
Felipe Nieto, C.M., International Team
Benjamín Romo, C.M., Delegate to the VF



MEXICO, JULY 30 – AUGUST 03, 2003

Province of:




Last Name:


First and Middle Names:


Tel: ___________________

Fax: ____________________________________



Language(s) spoken:


Other languages understood:





City: ____________________________

Date: __________________________

FAX: (00 39) 06 666 38 31
