“We are Vincentians Missionaries of the Philippines Province presently working at the Diocese of Udon Thani, Thailand: Fr. Uthai Thawon, C.M., Fr. Benito Enano, C.M., and Fr. Danilo Abogado, C.M. We are stationed at the Parish of “All the Saints” and the Parish of the “Epiphany” both Churches are in the outskirts of the city of Khon Kaen.”
We are posting this website to share with you any information on the development of our works here.  We also hope that you send us your views and comments so that through these exchanges of ideas we will further enhance the proclaimation of the Good News through the internet.

–   OFWs
–  Confreres and Volunteers
–   Daughters of Charity
–   Parish Ministry
–   Parish of the Epiphany
– Parish of All the Saints
–   On-going Formation
–   Vocations
–   Youth Ministry

