“Let us live the Joy of Hope that does not deceive”

This was the slogan of the XX National Gathering of the young Vincentians, which took place in Tucuman Argentina, between the 8 and 12 January 2003 and this slogan, was fulfilled even more. 
The young Vincentians of Argentina are convinced that today more than ever, we have to put our hearts and minds into the Hope, which is Jesus Christ, who does not deceive. And especially we have to share that Hope with the ones whom our Lord calls to serve. Thus, Hope means Joy and that must be a joy which would reflect our work and all our service. That’s why the young Vincentians from Tucuman invites us to revitalize the service that we realize for the poor, who are our masters.

There were 85 participants from all over the country. 

The gathering began with a video, which showed a complete report of the magnitude of poverty in Argentina and the common cases in Latin America. In front of all these situations God establishes a hope and the ones who decide to help the others are the men and women of good will that come together in the love of Christ. 

The treated issues were: The role of volunteer work and especially SSVP’s work, the life of Frederic Ozanam and the role of a lay Christian in the transformation of society, how to generate human resources and materials, the Church and Her role as Mother and Educator, the person of Jesus Christ, the necessity to contemplate, to love and to transmit His life and other testimonies of Vincentian experiences.

To conclude, the young vincentians decided to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world in the moments of crisis of the country. 

Source: Anahi Ledesma (president of the national youth commission of Argentina) & Sebastian Gramajo (Youth Delegate of Americas) – January 2003

Source: http://www.ozanet.org
