108th Congress Convenes; Begins by Cutting Children’s Programs
The 108th Congress convened this week, and Members of Congress are preparing to debate life and death child and family safety net programs. 

Congress will consider another round of tax cuts that would benefit the wealthiest and leave millions more children behind. The President proposed a $674 billion, 10-year tax cut package that would make the richest Americans richer at the expense of the poor. The cost of the tax cut proposal is enough to provide comprehensive health care for all 9.2 million uninsured children and Head Start for all the unserved eligible and disadvantaged preschool children in need of comprehensive services that prepare them for a productive future. Adding the proposed tax cut to the income tax cuts already passed, millionaires will receive a whopping $130,000 each when the cuts are fully in place.

While the Administration proposes new tax cuts, it claims we cannot afford new spending for children’s services. The Senate last week passed a spending bill that cuts the following:

– $60.9 million cut from child care, resulting in 38,000 fewer children having access to child care. 
– $29 million cut from after-school programs.
– $13 million cut from programs that help abused and neglected children.
– $3 million cut from children’s mental health funding.
– $42 million cut from substance treatment, further jeopardizing efforts to help move individuals off of welfare and into the workforce.

These cuts are unconscionable at a time when state budget crises are already forcing cuts in services for children and families and the President is proposing to lavish huge new tax cuts on millionaires and billionaires. 

The next step is for the Senate to negotiate its version of the spending bill with the House. Then, a merged bill will be sent to the President for his signature. Now is the time to call your Senators and Representatives and tell them that the Senate cutbacks in children’s services are unacceptable. To reach your Members of Congress, please call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Make your voices heard right now and throughout the year with phone calls, letters, faxes, and e-mails. For more information, visit the CDF Action Council Web site at www.cdfactioncouncil.org>http://www.cdfactioncouncil.org>www.cdfactioncouncil.org.
