Vin Paz is not the Captial of Bolivia but a new activity of the Society of St. VIncent de Paul.

No, this is not the Capital of Bolivia. That is La Paz. But you don’t go that far…. 

This expression is a little bit exotic, artificial. It’s true. But it is the name of a new activity of the Society of St Vincent of Paul, named – in the three main languages of the Society – “Vincentiens Pour la Paix” or “Vincentians for the Peace” or “Vicentinos para la Paz”. The two key words “Vin” and “Paz” have been taken from French, English and Spanish and they designate the two big columns on which this building is about to be constructed: “Vincentian” in the own sense of the word of our founders and patrons and “Paz” that is the service for the peace in humility. 

The “Vincentian Volunteers” work for the peace: in a Conference or in a Council of a region or a country. The necessary Vincentian projects after an earthquake or another disaster, the most essential would be the expansion of the idea of the Vincentian charity. But it is also necessary the application of new methods of aid against any forms of poverty. There are lots of other possible fields to work in! Don’t we say that any form of poverty is strange to the Vincentians”? The “workers of VinPaz” must be always present where there is something to improve and to clear that cannot be there ruled with the means and the ideas or the available possibilities. Sometimes, we say “Body of Firemen of the Society of St Vincent of Paul “, expression used, but it doesn’t cover all the aspects of VinPaz. 

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