Our Mission

Marillac House Limited is committed to responding to the needs of people who have a disability and their families.
We believe that every person has a right to develop physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually and spiritually to his or her full human potential.
The service reflects the spirit of the Daughters of Charity recognising Christ present in all those in need. Modelled on the vision of Louise de Marillac, Marillac House endeavours to be an agency, which respects and serves those with a disability and those who care for them.
The service reflects the spirit of the Daughters of Charity recognising Christ present in all those in need. Modelled on the vision of Louise de Marillac, Marillac House endeavours to be an agency, which respects and serves those with a disability and those who care for them.

Marillac House began as a residential school in East Brighton. Established by the Daughters of Charity in 1943, the house and school were intended to support girls from Catholic orphanages and families. Since that time, Marillac House has significantly broadened the services it offers to people with disabilities.

By 1960, Marillac House also provided cottage accommodation, giving young people greater independence. In 1987 the original building and school was closed, completing Marillac House’s move away from its institutional origins to provide more targeted residential accommodation and also outreach services. In 1993, Marillac House first offered outreach support to adults with an intellectual disability who were living independently in the community.
