New York, Sep 30 2002 5:00PM

In his opening remarks to the third meeting of the UN Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) Task Force, the United Nations
Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, said while technology is not “a magic formula
that is going to solve all the problems,” it is a powerful tool for economic
growth and poverty eradication, which could help African countries integrate
into the global market.”By making the development of ICT one of the priorities of the New
Partnership for Africa’s Development, African leaders have shown that they
are committed to seize the opportunities of the digital revolution,” he

The two-day meeting of the ICT Task Force at UN Headquarters in New York is
to discuss the action plan for the African Digital Diaspora Network. It will
also review progress made during its first year and set out its future
strategy and work programme.

In his remarks, the Secretary-General said there was a “vast potential” for
investment growth in the developing countries, as information and
communication technologies could help turn this potential into concrete
opportunities that would help the poor work their way out of poverty, while
at the same benefiting the world community as a whole.

But bridging the digital divide, in Africa and elsewhere, was a formidable
task that required not only leadership, but also a major commitment of
resources. What was needed, Mr. Annan said, was the use of low-cost
technologies to provide cheap, fast, and eventually free access to the

“Now is the time to think of partnerships and initiatives that will make a
difference on the ground,” he said.

Opening remarks:

UN Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Task Force

ICT volunteering to address human development

The UN News Centre
