Sr Maureen Tinkler represented the Province, at this international gathering in the Rue du Bac, in her capacity as co-ordinator of the Vincentian Millennium Partnership. – Also a report of challegnes as seen by Fr. Benjamin Romo.
In his final input Fr Benjamin Romo CM presented us with the challenges facing the assembled group when each one returned to their home country or Province.

How can I foster a better understanding among members of the different Vincentian organisations and groups in my country as to what it means to belong to the wider Vincentian Family?

The richness of the Vincentian charism must be shared with the laity and especially young people. How can this be done?


The Vincentian charism cannot be reduced to service of the poor – it is underpinned by the incarnational spirituality of the Gospels which views the person in need as a sacrament of Christ. It is rooted in both charity and justice. How can we ensure that the members of the family are formed in this spirituality as well as in the practical hands on service of others?

How can we “give more space” to the Vincentian Laity in our Family?

We need more well-trained Lay Advisors in the Vincentian Family. What needs to be set up in my country to provide the necessary holistic training and formation for Lay Vincentian Advisors?

How can I ensure that my congregation or branch of the family understands and supports this vision of a world-wide Vincentian Family?
