“Yes”, says Passionist Victor Hoagland Ingenious Love

St. Paul of the Cross, the founder of my religious community, the Passionists, used to say: “Love is ingenious.”

To an American like me, that saying seems to be an invitation to use my talents and imagination as ingeniously as I can. Then, at the end of the day I can say to God: “Here is my gift to you.”

But lately, I’m thinking that maybe it’s God’s love that is ingenious. “Here is a gift you never thought about.” God says, “Be surprised!”

I was surprised one afternoon, about six years ago, when a woman from Portland, Oregon, phoned to ask if we had a book on St. Paul of the Cross. Yes, I said, I’ll send it to you.

“That should be on the Internet,” she said. I told her I didn’t know a thing about the Internet.

“I’ll show you.” So I let her show me.

For the full story see


While surfing you may also be interested in visiting their new “Children’s Rosary” site at http://www.cptryon.org/prayer/child/rosary/index.html
