featured-image-generic-svdpThe St. Vincent de Paul Domestic Disaster Relief Fund needs help. The severe weather season is here! Mother Nature can strike at anytime, anywhere, in many different forms (tornadoes, wildfires, floods, earthquakes, etc.).

The National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul Domestic Disaster Relief Fund is fighting back. You can help by supporting the Domestic Disaster Relief Fund (Click Here). During any natural disaster, men, women and children from all walks of life are affected; some losing their lives, others being displaced and still others, for the first time in their lives, are in need of emergency assistance.

This is where the National Council of the United States Society St. Vincent de Paul Disaster Services Division (DSD) plays a key role.

As recently reported, the SVdPUSA DSD has been very busy responding to natural disasters across the country. Currently, the DSD is supporting disaster recovery operations in 20 states, providing assistance to 3,866 individuals. Disaster training for Vincentians, long-term case management services, coordination of community resources, and the House in a BoxTM Program are a few of the services being implemented.

Today, we need your help!

I am asking for your contribution to the SVdPUSA Domestic Disaster Relief Fund to help support our disaster relief services within the United States. In 2013, the Domestic Disaster Relief Fund provided grants to Conferences/Councils totaling $520,000. Now, with the severe weather season upon us, the number of natural disasters is growing. In fact, President Obama has already made a Federal Emergency Disaster Declaration more than 30 times in 2014. Recently, tornadoes, wildfires, flooding and a hurricane have made the news. Given the extreme nature of these severe storms, we anticipate that many more individuals may experience a crisis of some kind. For many of them, that crisis may be the first in their lives, putting an even greater strain on our Conferences’/Councils’ ability to respond.

Because of this unprecedented demand, we’re asking for your donation to the National Council’s National Domestic Disaster Relief Fund. This fund was established to assist Conferences/Councils when they experience a need for emergency funding during natural disasters in their community. Your contribution will help to change lives, rebuild homes, provide shelter and emergency daily-living supplies and most importantly, restore HOPE!

To donate, visit the National Council’s secure donation page and Donate Now..

Or, if you prefer, you can send a check to:

National Council of the United States
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
58 Progress Parkway
Maryland Heights, MO 63043-3706
(Be sure to write “Domestic Disaster Relief Fund” in the memo field.)

Yours in St. Vincent and Blessed Frederic,

Sheila Gilbert signature

Sheila K. Gilbert
National President
National Council

