“Tis the season to give…  games!”

St. VIncent is quoted as saying we ” should mix the useful and the agreeable.” VinFormation offers just that – games that provide an opportunity to test knowledge and skills while gently educating players about various aspects of the Vincentian charism.

Just a few of the Vincentian stocking stuffers for the digital native on your list …

Ultimate Change Game

Ultimate Change Game – Role play trying to chnage a neighborhood

Vincent and Louise Quiz

Vincent and Louise Quiz Explore map of Paris and discover the traces of Vincent and Louise


Puzzles – For the “puzzler” on your list

Vincentian Jeopardy

Vincentian Jeopardy – CHoose a player… and a category to test your Jeopardy skills

Frederic Ozanam (Part 1)

Frederic Ozanam (Part 1) – If you know Frederic well you can stock a soup kitchen. (PS click on the light blue “Play Game” in lower right corner of the screen to start)

St. Vincent As Priest

St. Vincent As Priest – Can you stock Vincent’s soup kitchen?

(PS click on the light blue “Play Game” in lower right corner of the screen to start)

Hobson’s Choice

Hobson’s Choice The game you just can’t stop… at least once you are in it in real life!