Vincentian Brothers from Province of Paris, Congo and Poland gathered in Thessaloniki, Greece for a formation meeting held September 1-8, 2013. The occasion was first death anniversary of Brother Jean Prindezis CM, who spent all his life in the Congregation in this community. An important part of the meeting was a pilgrimage in footsteps of St. Paul in Greece. Seven brothers, two from France (Xavier Muller and Philippe Maronnier), two from DR of Congo (Theo Kingwaya Loboko and another one), one from Algeria (Daniel Abdi), Cameroon (Georges Amassayonga) and Poland (Adam Budzyna) attended the meeting.
Bro. Jean Prindezis was born on Christmas Day 1942 in the Greek island of Syra. He entered Congregation of the Mission on February 27, 1959 and took his final vows on July 19, 1964 (in old liturgical calendar the feast of St. Vincent de paul was observed on that day). Afterwards he was assigned to the house in Thessaloniki where he served the Vincentian community as economy with high competence and commitment as well evangelized the Catholics and the Poor in the area. He died on the feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus (June 15), 2012 and interred in the Catholic cemetery in Thessaloniki.
As we read in the website of Province of Poland, “the meeting provided opportunity to know each other and share experience related to the ministry each of the brothers carries on in his local community. While in Greece they had an opportunity learn about ancient Greek culture and get know about contemporary problems in the society and Catholic Church in Greece. It was also a time to reflect and deepen their own vocation looking at the life of late Bro. Jean Prindezis CM who committed all his life to evangelization of the Poor”.
Take a look at the picture gallery at the Facebook page of the Province of Poland
Vincentians have been present in Thessaloniki since 1783 in the parish of Immaculate Conception. The house belongs to Province of Paris, however its community is international including three Confreres from Poland (one is Superior). They serve Catholic community in the area as well Daughters of Charity present in Greece.