Vincent - banner 1Robert Maloney, CM wrote in 2003, a time similar the Pope’s appeals for peace… “Having already written about several aspects of this topic, and because of its very broad scope, in this article I will restrict my focus to peace in the sense in which Pope Paul VI once so movingly described it: “No more war! War never again!”

His thoughts are worth re-reading at this critical point in history.

I. St. Vincent and Peace
II. Some Horizon Shifts Since the 17th Century
III. Some Vincentian Reflections on Peace Today

  • “Passionate gentleness,” a virtue in which, “justice and peace shall kiss” (Psalm 85:11)
  • Mediation as ministry
  • Teaching peace as a ministry
  • Learning the ways of non-violent dialogue 

In passing it is impressive to see his chronicle of  the many message Pope John Paul authored on peace up to 2003

1979: To Reach Peace, Teach Peace
1980: Truth, the Power of Peace
1981: To Serve Peace, Respect Freedom
1982: Peace: A Gift of God Entrusted to Us!
1983: Dialogue for Peace, A Challenge for Our Time
1984: From a New Heart, Peace is Born
1985: Peace and Youth Go Forward Together
1986: Peace is a Value with No Frontiers North-South, East-West: Only One Peace
1987: Development and Solidarity: Two Keys to Peace
1988: Religious Freedom, Condition for Peace
1989: To Build Peace, Respect Minorities
1990: Peace with God the Creator, Peace with All of Creation
1991: If You Want Peace, Respect the Conscience of Every Person
1992: Believers United in Building Peace
1993: If You Want Peace, Reach Out to the Poor
1994: The Family Creates the Peace of the Human Family
1995: Women: Teachers of Peace
1996: Let Us Give Children a Future of Peace
1997: Offer Forgiveness and Receive Peace
1998: From the Justice of Each Comes Peace for All
1999: Respect for Human Rights: The Secret of True Peace
2000: “Peace on Earth to Those Whom God Loves!”
2001: Dialogue Between Cultures for a Civilization of Love and Peace 2002: No Peace Without Justice, No Justice Without Peace
2003: “Pacem in Terris”: A Permanent Commitment

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