The Catholic Charities USA Board of Trustees is honored to present a Centennial Medal to the Daughters of Charity in recognition of its commitment to the mission of Catholic Charities to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures, and to call the entire church and other people of good will to do the same.

As a part of this Centennial celebration, Catholic Charities USA is presenting Centennial Medals to individuals and organizations in recognition of their contributions to the reduction of poverty in the United States and their commitment to the principles by which CCUSA conducts its work.

In September of 2010, Catholic Charities USA be­gan a year of initiatives to mark the 100th anniver­sary of its founding. In that time, CCUSA has been celebrating with initiatives that reflect a century of critical work bringing dignity and respect to those most vulnerable among us. Just as importantly, we are charting a course for the next one hundred years to advocate to policymakers and the broader Ameri­can community, the importance of continued work for social justice for the millions living in poverty in our country.