In an eyewitness report from Tim Williams, CM the Australian CM website reports… “During the first two weeks of July, 2012, sixty-five Vincentians from around the world met in Paris, France, to discuss their roles as Provincial Directors of the Daughters of Charity. The role of “Director” or Delegate of the CM Superior General, goes back to the time of Louise de Marillac and Vincent de Paul The meeting was organised by Fr Patrick Griffin CM, Director-General of the Daughters of Charity, with the participants living at the CM House in the Rue de Sevres, Paris, and attending talks and discussions at the Mother House of the Daughters of Charity in the Rue du Bac, Paris..
Fr Greg Gay CM, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, along with Sr Evelyne Franc DC, Mother General of the Daughters of Charity and members of DC General Council, also attended the sessions of the meeting. Eucharist was celebrated each day either in the Chapel of St Vincent at the Rue de Sevres, the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal at the Rue du Bac or the Chapel Crypt of St Joseph at the Rue du Bac.
The participants appreciated the input from various Daughters of Charity, Vincentians, and others, and also the hospitality of the Daughters and the Vincentians in Paris, along with the organisational skills of Fr Pat Griffin.
The photo above shows the participants, with Frs Pat Griffin and Greg Gay (front row, 2nd and 3rd from left respectively), in the grounds of the Rue du Bac.
Tags: Daughters of Charity, Paris, Rue du Bac, Superior General