(Romereports.com) There are thousands of religious sites on the web. While it’s impossible to name them all, ROME REPORTS is listing 10 popular sites to mark World Day of Communication. They are sites that can help people find their faith while surfing the web.

The first is Catholic-Link, which includes dozens of viral and original videos that focus on religion and Christian values.
Then there’s a website called Arguments, which publishes videos by young people on catechesis. There’s even a section with video games for children.
Catholic Underground (Link  no longer active) provides videos and blogs from Catholic priests who are also radio talk show hosts and have different guests on to discuss current events.
For the younger visitors, there’s the blog My Christian Drawings, where children can download drawings from the Bible that can be colored in.
The website LifeTeen is a good place for teenagers and young adults. Here they can find funny videos, different wallpapers, music and different pieces of advice like how to write a thank you letter to your mother.
There’ also the New Advent, an online Catholic Encylopedia, it also picks up the best articles from Catholic bloggers.
If you’re looking to answer questions on Catholic theology, websites like Why I’m Catholic and Catholics Come Home offer resources and conversion stories by those who found their faith.
Also reaching out to music lovers is RockingRomans.com. It finds the best Catholic music and helps to give them publicity through the web.
There are also the Vatican’s own website at Vatican.va. The Holy See’s communication team is constantly updating the pope’s activities, speeches, and audiences.
These are just a few of the thousands of sites that cover religious issues. They help to provide resources on faith and religion.
