“I wanted to send you an update on a couple of things we have been using over here that may be beneficial to all the smaller Vincentian ministries throughout the US (and world)” writes Patrick McKenzie of dePaul Catholic School in Philadelphia.  He shares the following tip…

“We are primed to launch our first online annual appeal for the school and we are using RAZOO…I am sure you have heard of Razoo, but if you haven’t, it is wonderful!  Here is our campaign…www.razoo.com—Depaulpromise.  Razoo is incredibly easy to set up, their staff is wonderfully quick, helpful and responsive and all you need is your 501(c) 3 status.

(Famvin did a quick search in Razoo  for depaul and found that this secret is apparently not so secret since close to 100 dePaul related causes surfaced. They range from parishes to Vincent de Paul Society units, etc.)

He continues “We are also using Issuu – an online digital publishing platform that is enabling us to send out our physical annual appeal letter electronically, without worrying about size for attachments – it is flash-based so it does not work on apple devices, but is very neat nonetheless.  Here is our campaign – issuu.com—annual_appeal_2011_

“We send out monthly electronic newsletters using MailChimp (www.mailchimp.com).

“The great thing about all these resources is that they are free and relatively easy to use.

Do you know any other resources you think the VIncneian Family could use in its serve of those who are marginalized? Please share them with us using the Comment button.

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