The Australia CM site posts the following …”A burglar was nabbed recently at  the CM parish of Dunstable, Bedfordshire UK in a scene that could have come straight out of TV’s Father Ted — as three Catholic priests (CMs) sat on him in their pyjamas. Cops were confronted by the unholy sight when they raced to the 2am break-in at a presbytery. The thug woke one of the clerics after spotting an open window and shimmying up a drainpipe into his room. Father Jimmy Sheil CM, 67, leapt out of bed and chased him into a corridor — banging on housemates’ doors. He then bravely rugby-tackled the intruder,  who battled desperately to get away.  But Father Kieran Magovern CM, 66, and Father Chacko Panathara CM, 61 — also in their jim-jams — dashed to the aid of their fellow parish priest.  Source

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