As we celebrate the feast of Pentecost the Vincentian Encyclopedia offers Vincentian reflections for each of the years in the liturgical cycle.

  • Pentecost Sunday, Year A
    Pentecost signals Vincentian mission. May they multiply, those who go. And may they also, like Jesus and St. Vincent, multiply loaves and fish, as they look up to heaven, give thanks and break them, so that the hungry all over the world may eat and be satisfied.
  • Pentecost Sunday, Year B
    …Vincent experienced neither ecstasies nor miracles, left no great written works, but strove to live out humbly and faithfully at a human level, on our level, the divine mission received from his Savior.
  • St. Vincent de Paul had it right when he said: “Give me a man of prayer and he will be capable of anything. He may say with the apostle, ‘I can do all this in him who strengthens me.’” And given the St. Vincent’s accomplishments, his prayer was surely not just affective but also effective.

    The author of these reflections is a native of the Philippines, Ross Reyes Dizon, who now lives with his wife, Melody, in Vallejo, California. They are the parents of two grown-up sons, Vincent and Justin. Ross has been posting Sunday readings reflections to various Vincentian web sites, including this site at Reflections rooted in the Sunday Readings and at [1], since March 1997. His email address is



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