Fr. Gregory Gay, Director General, has announced that the General Statutes of the Association of the Miraculous Medal were approved by the Congregation for the Institutes of the Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on April 14, 2010.
2010 Statutes (PDF)
Via dei Capasso, 30 Tel. (39) 06 661 3061
00164 Roma – Italia Fax (39) 06 666 3831
Roma, 31 May 2010
Feast of the Visitation of our Lady
To all the members of the Miraculous Medal Association:
May the grace and peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ fill your hearts now and always!
The Blessed Virgin Mary, in the apparitions to Saint Catherine Laboure of
1830, gifted the Church with an evangelizing message of hope, expressed in the Medal
that she was entrusted to spread. From that time, this desire of the Blessed Virgin has
been made a reality and the different Congregations and Associations that today make
up the Vincentian Family have made the spreading of this message one of the elements
of their apostolate.
The Miraculous Medal Association, established in numerous countries and with
people of every race and social condition, has enthusiastically and generously
responded to Mary’s request. The history of the Association is a living expression of
so many joyful efforts to make the Medal known and to spread this message,
especially among those who are poor in heart but able to accept the Lord’s grace.
Throughout all these years the Association has been guided by its Statutes that
were approved by the Holy See in 1909 and again in 1998. Each Association of the
Miraculous Medal formulated its National Statutes in accord with the General Statutes
and after these were approved by the Director General they became the standard and
guide for all their activities.
During these last few years we came to see that the Statutes had to be adapted to
a world and a Church that have evolved in a rapid manner. We were urged on in this
task by the great pastoral plan that our beloved Pope John Paul II proposed to the
Church in his document: Novo Millennio Ineunte. All of this led the General Council
of the Association to formulate a plan for new General Statutes which the National
Associations worked on for a year. After this time, and after further reflection on this
project during the International Meeting of the Association in Paris in November,
2009, the redaction of the text of the General Statutes was submitted to the Holy See
for approval.
The fruit of this work are the General Statutes, approved by the Congregation
for the Institutes of the Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on April 14,
I invite you to receive these Statutes with love and to see them as the path that
is now proposed to us by the Church of Jesus Christ, a path that is faithful to Mary’s
desire. Thus experiencing yourselves as children of God and Mary, united in love with
all the members of the Association, may you be witnesses of the gospel and servants in
the present world in which you live.
Let all of us who are members of the Association walk along this path; let us
walk hand in hand with our Miraculous Mother to the encounter with her Son, Jesus
Christ, our Lord.
Your brother in Saint Vincent,
G. Gregory Gay, C.M.
Director General of the AMM
Fr. Gregory Gay, Superior General, announces that the revised General Statutes were approved by the Congregation for the Institutes of the Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on April 14, 2010.