jmv-garcia“…celebrating their death is to celebrate their life, and what is more, to celebrate life from two different perspectives” writes Mª JESÚS GARCÍA International Councillor in the monthly newsletter of the JMV Full text with details of worldwide activities (PDF)

Once again, I address, at this time of the year to you; to all the Vincentians, especially to the VMY members, to congratulate you on the occasion of the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul. This year,
my congratulation is special, because the celebration of the 350 anniversary of St. Vincent and St. Louis is beginning.

Normally, when we talk about death, it is a source of sadness, of sorrow; however, in this case, it is a source of joy because with their live, St. Vincent and St Louise knew how to transmit some values, a spirituality and a charisma that year after year and century after century, have grown and have been observed. Therefore, the fact of celebrating their death is to celebrate their life, and what is more, to celebrate life from two different perspectives: The “life” of many young people, men and women that have followed the example of St. Vincent and St. Louise, of getting close to the most needy and announcing the Love of God. And the “life” that many people have recovered in numerous situations, when they have found a Vincentian on their way and he/she has helped them to regain the hope and to believe that a better world is possible, in spite of this society where the feelings seem to disappear and everything seems to
have no value or importance.

All of us have the challenge of keeping on announcing the legacy our founders gave us. We should not forget that “the poor are our lords and masters”, that all the actions we do for them, must be through an “affective and effective love” and that “charity is creative until the infinite”. How many times have we listened or read these phrases? All of them are valid to VMY today. Is our Association ready to live according these principles? Are we able to be close to those who need our help freely, without expecting anything in return? Are we aware that being with the poor brings us nearer to God? Are we also aware that we have the responsibility to fight against their poverty?

St. Vincent also invited to pray, because “there is not life or action without Christ” and is only Christ who can give us enough strength to keep on going when we are in trouble. We should be
proud and grateful for being who we are and for having the chance to live according the gospel, following the steps of St. Vincent and St. Louise.

May we have a great year! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

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