svdp-logoNational Council of the SSVDP does not have a Headquarter for the meetings and they even do not have resources for the payment of the registration of their Statutes. In order to obtain resources for the continuity of their activities, the National Council of Paraguay wants to sell thirteen of their paintings (masterpieces); pictures are attached. The price goes from 700 to 1.260 US Dollars.

With this initiative it will be possible to go ahead with the extension of the Society to other villages inside the country. Some National Councils have already answered this contribution inquiry. The National Council of Brazil donated a computer and a printer, while the National Council of Chile bought one of the offered paintings.

The International Territorial Vice-President, Renato Lima de Oliveira, and the Coordinator of Zone 2, Julio César Marques de Lima, have personally verified those paintings offered by the Paraguayan National Council of SSVP during their visit to the Society in Paraguay.

Interested persons or organizations who wish to assist the Paraguayan National Council by the acquisition of one of those paintings, should contact the President of the National Council, Thorsten Schmidt at following email or

Pictures of the painting are available at

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