“The Seton Legacy” DVD is a 30 minute documentary of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton’s life, work, and continuing legacy of charity today. The film is seen and narrated through the eyes of Saint Elizabeth Ann in the historic White House (1809) in Emmitsburg, Maryland, where she founded the Sisters of Charity of Saint Joseph’s, the first new community for religious women to be established in the United States.

Reenactments and archival images of Saint Elizabeth Ann’s children, friends, spiritual directors, and herself provide a visual narrative of her remarkable life that spans the full spectrum of human experience. Special attention is paid to Saint Elizabeth Ann’s role as devoted wife, a dedicated volunteer in charitable organizations, the mother of five children, a convert to Roman Catholicism, an educator, social minister, catechist, and a spiritual leader.

The documentary continues with the years that follow Saint Elizabeth Ann’s life. Her legacy continued with the rapid growth of six religious communities with more than 5,000 members, hundreds of schools, social service centers, and hospitals throughout America and around the world. Her works led to her Canonization on Sunday, September 14, 1975, in Saint Peter’s Square, by Pope Paul VI. She is the first citizen born in the United States to be canonized. Her remains are entombed in the Basilica of the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, Maryland.

“The Seton Legacy” DVD is a co-production of the Daughters of Charity, Emmitsburg Province, National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, Maryland, and Wendy Wilmowski of Wayfarer Entertainment. Nearly two years in the making and in light of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton bicentennial celebration in 2009, the film was a collaborative effort with Saint Joseph’s Provincial House and associates in Emmitsburg plus many treasured volunteers – all who want to share the story of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton’s continuing legacy of charity.
The official bicentennial observance will be held on July 31, August 1, and August 2, 2009. This will be a glorious celebration with wonderful activities planned. Among them is the premiere of “The Seton Legacy” DVD and a live reenactment of Elizabeth Ann and the early sisters coming down the mountain and arriving to Emmitsburg on a Conestoga wagon as they did two hundred years ago.

Contact information:
Lori Stewart
Director of Communications
(301) 447-7165

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