seton_bicentennial_67-2Some 475 sisters opened the New York/ New Jersey region celebration of the Bicentennial of the charism of charity in North America with a liturgy and luncheon at Holy Family Chapel at the motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth in Convent Station, NJ on Saturday, January 3, 2008. Maureen Shaughnessy SC, General Superior welcomed  all to the celebration. Rosemary Smith SC ( NJ) Dorothy Metz SC ( NY) Kathleen Appler DC (NE) and Maryanne Fitzgerald SC (Hal) carried in the Constitutions of the four Congregations. John Freund CM presided at the liturgy and reminder all of the necessity to see as Elizabeth Ann Seton saw. Sisters and associates from the four congregations served  in various ministerial roles.

After the liturgy the 475 participants were invited to share refreshments and to view a heritage display.It was a great sharing of Sisters and Associates from the area.

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