systemic change 2For twenty weeks the English language site of has featured a strategy for systemic change. This week, Robert Maloney, C.M., Vincentian Family’s Commission for Promoting Systemic Change, announces the publication of Seeds of Hope: Stories of Systemic Change. Father Maloney writes:

I am very happy to let you know today that Seeds of Hope: Stories of Systemic Change, a book prepared by the international Commission for Promoting Systemic Change, is now available in English. I hope that it will be a useful tool as the worldwide Vincentian Family reflects on systemic change during 2008-2009.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the USA financed the publication and is taking care of the distribution. Sr. Kieran Kneaves, who is the National Formation Director of the Society in the USA, coordinated the publication of the book.

A Spanish version of Seeds of Hope: Stories of Systemic Change is currently at the printer’s in Madrid and will available in September.

We hope that a French version will also be available during the coming year.

As you know, the Commission for Promoting Systemic Change is planning workshops on all the continents during 2009-2010 to train members of the Family to give further workshops on systemic change. The first of these will be held in Mexico in February 2009. At that time a tool kit will be distributed, with practical materials related to the book. We hope that it will help the members of the Family as they teach about systemic change. A similar workshop will be organized for the Vincentian Family in the USA at a later date, probably in 2010. Further information about the continental workshops will be sent out by the continental coordinating committees.

I hope that Seeds of Hope: Stories of Systemic Change will be very useful to the members of the Vincentian Family throughout the world in our efforts to serve the poor concretely and effectively.

Your brother in St. Vincent,
Bob Maloney, C.M.
Coordinator, Commission for Promoting Systemic Change

Order form for the book

The Seeds of Change series is archived at the Vincentian Encyclopedia.
