Could this be of value to various groups in the Vincentian Family? The Paulist Evangelization Association provides a model. All you need to participate is a web browser, an internet connection, and speakers or headphones to hear the presentations.

For three days, September 16-18, ministry leaders will come together in an online community for prayer, faith-sharing, presentations from experts in Catholic evangelization, live Q & A, a variety of discussion groups and formats, and access to publishers and organizations that provide resources that support the Church’s evangelizing mission.

The daily prayer and topics are introduced through streaming narrated presentations connected to a discussion area that allows participants to comment and respond over the course of the conference.

From their website…

How does an Online Conference work?

This online conference is like a traditional conference but attendees don’t need to travel, incur travel expenses, or spend time going to and from the event – the entire conference is held online over a specific period of time. Accessible through a password protected website, the conference includes all of the tools and technology necessary to deliver content-rich presentations, provide useful resources, and foster a true learning community.

Through real-time and asynchronous (occurring over time) interactions, attendees participate in introductions, presentations, Q&A sessions, informal networking and even facilitated breakout groups. Most of the presentations are delivered in the form of narrated PowerPoint slideshows that can be accessed and viewed at any time during the conference. Attendees may then post questions and interact with the presenter and each other inside the presenter’s virtual conference room.

A Ministry Café provides a forum for structured networking and breakout group collaborations on attendee-defined topics. A directory of participant profiles, instant messaging and virtual meeting rooms encourage additional networking and knowledge sharing. In addition, a variety of resources including speakers’ presentations, supplementary materials, virtual exhibits, and website links are available to all participants through a searchable knowledgebase

All presentations will be pre-recorded and may be accessed at anytime that fits your schedule, 24/7 from the day of the presentation through October 16. Access to the daily prayer, faith sharing, discussion groups, and the exhibits will continue 24/7 through October 16 as well.

The daily prayer and topics are introduced through streaming narrated presentations connected to a discussion area that allows participants to comment and respond over the course of the conference.
