Opening Mass Reflection  by Amy Furman, St. John’s University July 15, 2008 – Sydney

Today we journeyed from our hotel to Barangaroo, the site for World Youth Day 2008’s Opening Mass.  The journey was a little long, but we, the Brooklyn Diocese group of approximately 120 pilgrims, prayed the Rosary as we walked to the train station.  After the train, we joined thousands of other pilgrims flocking to the Opening Mass.  We chanted, sang songs along the way and met people from various countries around the world.  We even ran into our friends from Brazil and the Solomon Islands who we had met last week at the FAMVIN (International Vincentian Family) Gathering.  The journey to Mass was inspiring in itself as so many pilgrims representing the Catholics of their country made the journey to Sydney and then to Barangaroo to attend Mass with fellow Catholics from around the world.

The Mass was celebrated by George Cardinal Pell, Archbishop of Sydney.  It was a colorful Mass with a welcome from the aboriginal community of Australia, readings and petitions in various languages and inspiring music.  Cardinal Pell’s homily was moving.  He encouraged the youth in attendance to pray for an openness of heart and for the willingness to take the next step in our faith journies.  He also urged us to remember to listen and pray over the course of the week as the excitement of World Youth Day can prove to be very distracting.

Overall, the Opening Mass was an incredible experience and a perfect start to World Youth Day.  There was such a large crowd in attendance, yet there was almost no pushing or shoving nor loud complaints.  For me, the Opening Mass served as a real example of a world peace that can be achieved through faith and love in God and in neighbor.

Submitted by James Behan, Campus Ministry at St. John’s University
