Antonieta Colaicomo, D.C. died in the Motherhouse of Siena on October 16, 2007 at age 109. The 91st year of her vocation would have been celebrated this month.

On October 16th at 10:35am the Superior General received the following e-mail:

With sorrow I must notify you that this morning at 8:45am sister Antonieta Colaicomo has left us. She died calmly, as calmly as she had lived her life. Certainly she has met the Lord whom she loved and served unconditionally during her whole life. Now she rejoices in the reward of those persons who are just. She will continue to support us and pray for us as she did so tirelessly when she lived among us, especially during the past few years. How many rosaries she recited for the needs of the Church, of the world, of the Company, of those persons who are poor, of the Province and of the Superior General!

We have another angel in heaven even though now we experience an emptiness that has been caused by her absence and the pain of separation. One hundred nine years of age and ninety-one years of vocation (which would have been celebrated next month) are signs of a beautiful love story and we were all involved in this story. We are comforted by the belief that the love that has joined us together will not disappear but will continue to be our strength but now in a new dimension.

Father General responded:

I was surprised by the news of Sister Antonieta Colaicomo’s journey to heaven and yet at the same time I give thanks to God. It is impressive when a person decides in favor of God as a preferential life option. And even more impressive that a person during so many years should have reflected with her calmness and complete joy which are derived from this preferential option for God. I imagine that is has to be difficult to no longer rejoice in the visible presence of Sister Antonieta but I am sure that she will be for all of you the angel who, together with the heavenly Father, watches over the community. I want to ask your permission to publish this news on the web-page of the Vincentian Family. I believe that this is a beautiful testimony of faith and love of Christ.
